Senator Elbert Guillory
talks about HDF:
Senator Elbert Guillory
talks about HDF:
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Antwine describes our free firearm classes:
Antwine describes our free firearm classes:
Below: State Senator Cameron Henry gave us his annual "Legislative Update" at our March of 2023 meeting, and was then presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF leaders Jeff Crouere and Mike Weinberger.
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Sheriff Lopinto spoke to a packed membership meeting on November 16th and then was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by HDF Leaders Mike Weinberger (on the left) and Jeff Crouere.
Sheriff Lopinto spoke to a packed membership meeting on November 16th and then was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by HDF Leaders Mike Weinberger (on the left) and Jeff Crouere.
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HDF leaders Jeff Crouere, on the left, and Mike Weinberger, on the right, presented Senator Elbert Guillory with our "Louisiana Legend" trophy at our September meeting.
HDF leaders Jeff Crouere, on the left, and Mike Weinberger, on the right, presented Senator Elbert Guillory with our "Louisiana Legend" trophy at our September meeting.
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AG Jeff Landry spoke at HDF
in June to a full house. He received our Hero of Home Defense Award from HDF Founder Mike Weinberger and HDF Leader Jeff Crouere
Metro Crime Commission President Rafael Goyeneche received a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF Founder Mike Weinberger after he spoke to HDF members in March. Below that pic, some members who also spoke that night.
February of 2022
Rep Kathy Edmonston spoke to us in February, and she packed the house! There were almost 100 people in attendance. Every single seat was taken and about 15 people were standing. Below you see HDF Founder Mike Weinberger presenting her with a Certificate of Appreciation, and under that pic are some pics of attendees at the meeting.
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Our "Candidate Night" was featured in a story in the Uptown Messenger by Danae Columbus. Here is the link.
July 27, Rep Schlegel Spoke
On July 27th Rep Laurie Schlegel spoke to us and received a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF Founder Mike Weinberger. Below you see John talking about his trip to the legislature, and a lucky raffle winner. And under that pic Margaret Harrison gets her Hero Of Home Defense Award for her great help over the course of six years as an HDF member.
May 4: Mike Weinberger presented our Lifetime Achievement Award to Senator Elbert Guillory. Below that, pics of Scott and Chris discussing our trip to
the State Legislature, and also a lucky raffle winner!
More Victories ! 39-0 !
We had great wins at the State Legislature in April of 2021 when ALL of our positions were advanced. Above are just a few of the 70+ HDF and Firearm Professionals of La members who came to BR and WON. As of May, 2021 our new record in legislative votes is 39 - 0. Congrats to our volunteers ! ! !
Senator Sharon Hewitt received our
Hero of Home Defense Award on April 6th
Below: Senator Hewitt and HDF Founder Mike Weinberger
Hero of Home Defense Award on April 6th
Below: Senator Hewitt and HDF Founder Mike Weinberger
Sheriff Lopinto spoke to
HDF on March 2, 2021
Pictured below, left to right: Jeff Crouere, Sheriff Lopinto, and HDF Founder Mike Weinberger
Elbert Guillory on HDF
2020: 32-0 in the Legislature
2020: 32-0 in the Legislature
Even with all the virus concerns plenty of our members and their friends went to BR to fight for your self defense rights during the last legislative session. Once there, we were VERY busy, winning 9 different types of votes in the House and another 9 in the Senate. We did not lose one vote, not one.
Prior to 2020, our cumulative record on votes in the legislature was 14 - 0, but the tremendous year we had in 2020 now brings our over-all record to 32 - 0. That's just amazing - and all 4 of the bills we backed this year were signed into law by Governor Edwards. WOW !
These days, with the police severely limited in their ability to PREVENT criminal attacks, your Right of Self Defense is more important than ever. Rest assured that the Home Defense Foundation will protect that right in the State Legislature.
Prior to 2020, our cumulative record on votes in the legislature was 14 - 0, but the tremendous year we had in 2020 now brings our over-all record to 32 - 0. That's just amazing - and all 4 of the bills we backed this year were signed into law by Governor Edwards. WOW !
These days, with the police severely limited in their ability to PREVENT criminal attacks, your Right of Self Defense is more important than ever. Rest assured that the Home Defense Foundation will protect that right in the State Legislature.
Award Night ! At our March meeting DA Cannizzaro was presented with our "Hero of Home Defense" award by HDF Founder Mike Weinberger, and the DA then presented Good Citizenship awards to HDF members Al Mimms and Cap Black, shown here with their awards and Mike. Below you see new HDF member Cindy Lugo - and several raffle participants who had some fun at night's end.
Below, Senator Cameron Henry, who spoke to us in February, received a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF Founder Mike Weinberger, Below that, some members who also spoke that night were Donovan and Cerese, after which Helen helped with our raffle.
Above, Inspector General David McClintock spoke at our January meeting and received a Certificate of Appreciation by HDF Founder Mike Weinberger. Below: Judy, Warren and Melanie also spoke at this "standing room only" event.
Above, Representative Blake Miguez spoke at our December meeting and was given a Certificate of Appreciation by HDF founder Mike Weinberger. Below, Kerrie, Glenda and Craig spoke about their experience taking HDF self defense classes.
U.S. Attorney Peter Strasser receives
our "Hero of Home Defense Award"
our "Hero of Home Defense Award"
In November Federal Prosecutor Peter Strasser was presented our "Hero of Home Defense Award" by HDF Founder Mike Weinberger. Below, new HDF members John and Cindy explained why they joined HDF, and Gary and Penny discussed the free defensive firearm classes they recently attended.
"Candidate Night" in Oct.
a GIANT Success
a GIANT Success
Two candidates for the Louisiana Supreme Court, two candidates for the State Senate and four candidates for the House of Reps came and spoke to our members. Below are pics of some of the many speakers and attendees.
Full House for Gubernatorial Candidate Ralph Abraham
Full House for Gubernatorial Candidate Ralph Abraham
Over 140 people attended our August meeting, where Ralph Abraham (at right), who just might be our next governor, spoke and received a Certificate of Appreciation Award from HDF Founder Mike Weinberger. Below, several attendees and HDF members addressed the crowd.
Councilman Joe Giarrusso
City Councilman Joe Giarrusso (left) spoke to us in June and received a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF founder Mike Weinberger. Below: Judy Newman and Edilia Draganus received Good Citizenship Awards for their activity in the State Legislature, and long time activist Ron Sevin attended the meeting along with his daughter.
Some of the 40+ HDF members and 20+ FPofLa.com members that went to Baton Rouge May 1st and helped pass two PRO Self Defense bills out of committee - and also defeated two ANTI Self Defense bills.
Sheriff Lopinto at HDF
Meeting of May, 2019: Above, Sheriff Joe Lopinto received a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF Founder Mike Weinberger. Below, left to right, Margaret got a Good Citizenship Award, Chris, Judy and Mary all spoke about their INFLUENTIAL trip to the State legislature......and pics of two lucky raffle winners.
Above: In April Cap Black received our HERO OF HOME DEFENSE AWARD from HDF Founder Mike Weinberger.
Our April meeting also featured V.P. Peter Hansche and President Mike Glasser (above) of the Police Association. Below that you see all our guest speakers at the meeting, including DA Cannizzaro, who congratulated Cap on his award. And below that are pics of some members who attended the meeting.
Antwine says our defensive
firearm classes are EASY !
firearm classes are EASY !
In March State Senator Sharon Hewitt spoke to us and received a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF founder Mike Weinberger. Judy and Scott gave us a report on their recent HDF activities, and Doug was a lucky raffle winner.
Above, in February Chairman Cameron Henry of the House Appropriations Committee received a certificate of appreciation from HDF Founder Mike Weinberger. Below, left to right, Sue talked about why she is an HDF member, Colleen helped with the raffle, and four pics of HAPPY raffle winners.
State Senator Conrad Appel, (right) is awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by HDF Founder Mike Weinberger. Below, (L to R) we honored our great friend Bob Hennessey, Moses spoke about his firearm class, as did Edelia.
Also at the meeting, left to right, Denise helped with the raffle, Roy gave an update on his HDF volunteer work and Stephanie won a raffle prize.
DA Cannizzaro at HDF
Signed Homeowner-Taxpayer Bill of Rights
Signed Homeowner-Taxpayer Bill of Rights
DA Cannizzaro spoke at our November meeting and signed the HDF "Homeowner and Taxpayer Bill of Rights." He received a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF Founder Mike Weinberger. Also speaking were Nina Rowland and Nadra Enzi, aka "Cap Black". Margret Harrison, at right, won a free pepper spray during our raffle.
Inspector General at HDF
Above, in October HDF Founder Mike Weinberger presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Inspector Derry Harper. Below, also taking center stage during the evening were Melinda, Carlos, Stan, Wali, Susan and a raffle winner.
BIG Wins in State Legislature
Some of the almost 30 HDF volunteers who went to Baton Rouge during the 2018 legislative session. They defeated no less than SIX terrible proposed laws, including a crazy one that would have classified any home defense firearm that could hold over 10 rounds as an "assault weapon." Congrats to our volunteers!
Also at the meeting, Ralph described his experience at a defensive firearm training class, Shelley helped with our raffle (too much fun!) and Anna modeled a washable, cotton holster made to be worn under a reflective vest.
BELOW: New Orleans Detective Chris Hart (right) spoke
to HDF members in August and received a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF founder Mike Weinberger.
to HDF members in August and received a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF founder Mike Weinberger.

At the same meeting members Kevin and Judy, below, described the defensive firearm classes they took.
Violent Crime Strike Force Chief Speaks
Elizabeth Privitera, Chief of the local Federal Violent Crime Strike Force, spoke to HDF members in May and was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from our founder, Mike Weinberger. That night Nina Rowland received a Citizen Activist Award, Scott Brown spoke, and Stephanie described her firearm class experience.
Metro Crime Comm. Pres Goyeneche spoke to 125 HDF members at our April Meeting
Above: Metro Crime Commission President Rafael Goyeneche (right) receives a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF founder Mike Weinberger. Below, students Adelia, Melanie and Gary talk about taking our free firearm classes.
May: A Full House for Treas. John Schroder
HDF Founder Mike Weinberger presents State Treasurer John Schroder with a Certificate of Appreciation as over 100 HDF members look on during our March meeting. Students who took our free firearm classes also spoke, as shown below.
Lopinto, Fortunato at HDF Candidate Forum
Above, Candidate John Fortunato, Moderator Jeff Crouere, HDF founder Mike Weinberger and Sheriff Joe Lopinto at our candidate forum, which drew over 125 attendees. Below, some pics of the many HDF members at the forum.
N.O. Police Assoc. President and VP spoke to us in Jan.
HDF Activist Charlie McGrath between Police Assoc. Pres Mike Glasser, on Charlie's left - and VP Peter Hansche
Senator Elbert Guillory spoke in December
Elbert Guillory, on the left, was presented with our first "Guardian of Civilization Award" by our founder, Mike Weinberger. Below, citizen volunteer instructors Morris Gray, Bill Stumpf and Charlie McGrath talk about their upcoming FREE self defense classes.
N.O. City Councilman Elect
Joe Giarrusso spoke in Oct.
Joe Giarrusso spoke in Oct.
Joe Giarrusso, on the right, accepts a Certificate
of Appreciation from HDF founder Mike Weinberger.
of Appreciation from HDF founder Mike Weinberger.
Many HDF members spoke about their volunteer activities and our classes. Above are Jack, Bill, Ron and Roy. Below them are Lynn and Kaye, and below those two ladies is a picture of the packed room, and a few happy members.
Troy Henry signs Honest Citizen Pledge
Troy Henry signs Honest Citizen Pledge
At left, Troy Henry received a Certificate of Appreciation from our founder, Mike Weinberger. He signed our Honest Citizen Pledge. Below, Gino Ascani received our "Hero of Home Defense Award," attendees enjoying beignet, Margaret spoke, Willmarine won a raffle, Judy and Jerry Newman with a friend, Andre Lugo with a friend, Colleen Wood spoke, as did Anna Vollenweider.
Below: Bryan Lagarde of the "Project Nola Camera System" spoke to us in August
Above, Bryan Lagarde is presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from HDF Founder Mike Weinberger. Below, Glenda and Kaye speak about their firearm class experience, Charlie McGrath talks about the class he is teaching with Morris Gray in August, and two happy attendees sitting next to the new issue of the Crime Safety Reporter newspaper.
Mayoral Candidate Bagneris endorsed the Honest Citizen Pledge at HDF's July meeting
At our July meeting Michael Bagneris, on the right, said that honest citizens who defend themselves during a criminal attack are entitled to the benefit of the doubt, and he endorsed HDF's Honest Citizen Pledge. He was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by HDF founder Mike Weinberger. Below: Peggy talks about her firearm class, Mike talks about getting eight bulls eyes in the class he took, and Judy explained the work she did in the legislature that preserved our right of self defense.
YET ANOTHER VICTORY IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE ! About 30 HDF members went to Baton Rouge recently and stopped the passage of a bad law that would have limited your self defense rights if someone breaks into your home. Read about their victory here. Congratulations to our activists ! ( You can also read about our 2016 and 2014 victories. )
OUR MISSION: Neighbors teaching neighbors about home and self defense - and organizing, so that our voices are heard. All volunteer, we never ask for money.
DA Cannizzaro: I'm Fighting To Protect Citizens and Taxpayers
,Above: DA Cannizzaro, who spoke at our May meeting, recieves a Certificate of Appreciation from our founder, Mike Weinberger. Pictured below: Happy attendees, some reading our city's newest newspaper, the Crime Safety Reporter. Below that: Trish talks about the firearm class she attended, and Gage Counts, the newspaper's Managing Editor, explains the mission of the paper while holding a few copies.
Senator Danny Martiny spoke to us in April
State Senator Danny Martiny (on the right) spoke to HDF in April and was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by our founder, Mike Weinberger. Pictured below are other speakers and raffle prize winners.
Cameron Henry's Feb. talk was impressive !
Rep Cameron Henry, pictured above with our founder, Mike Weinberger, spoke on February 7th and really impressed us with his grasp of State Government. If only we had twenty more like him our state would be in much better shape. Below, Dr. Tom Kennedy and his wife Mary talk about their experience at our firearm classes, Charlie McGrath speaks about his upcoming meeting with key legislators, and raffle fun.
Jan 3rd packed house for Stacy Head.
Above, Council Member Stacy Head with our founder, Mike Weinberger. Below, members Kennedy and Anna talk about their experience at our firearm classes.
Below: Elbert Guillory's talk to over 120 HDF members during December a big hit !
State Senator (ret.) Elbert Guillory, pictured above with our founder, Mike Weinberger, spoke on December 6th. Shown below are Citizen Activist Award winners Hy and Libba McEnry, Terry Smith - and Roy and Shelley Richardson.
Also on December 6th, from left to right, starting at the top, Janae discussed her firearm class, Margret modeled a cotton shoulder holster, Roy made a few points, Morris Gray spoke, Penny helped with the raffle and a partial group pic.
Rafael Goyeneche warmly speaks to HDF, supports our fight for honest government.
Metro Crime Commission President Rafael Goyeneche spoke at our Nov. 1st meeting and was presented a Certificate of Appreciation by our founder, Mike Weinberger. Also, the following members (left to right) received Citizen Activist Awards: Chuck Lataxes, Dr. Doug Swift, Jack Dee, John Heine, Margret Harrison, Norman Castillo, Ray Lambert, Roy and Shelley Richardson, and Roy Zanca.
Fourteen HDF Members attended the Oct. 18th meeting of the N.O. Ethics Review Board and urged the board to retain Inspector General Ed Quatrevaux.
Rep Julie Stokes, of the State Legislature, proudly signed the Honest Citizen Pledge at our October meeting. Below is a pic of Julie with Mike Weinberger, our founder.
Also at the October meeting, members Jeannie and Antwine explained how much they learned at the firearm classes, and how much FUN these classes are.
Almost 200 HDF members hear Sheriff Normand speak at our Sept. 6 meeting.
Almost 200 HDF members hear Sheriff Normand speak at our Sept. 6 meeting.

Above: Sheriff Norman accepts our "Hero of Home Defense Award" from HDF founder Mike Weinberger. Below, Bob Hennessey holds the raffle ticket bag while Avis Morton pulls out the winning raffle tickets - and Kathy Begg explained how taking a firearm class was a great learning experience.
A packed house for Billy Nungesser -
he receives "Hero of Home Defense Award"
A packed house for Billy Nungesser -
he receives "Hero of Home Defense Award"
Above: Billy Nungesser with our founder, Mike Weinberger. Below, left to right: Troy Banks describes a firearm class; Trudy Schmidt says it gave her confidence; Phil Chin gets an Award - and Shira helps Mike during our raffle.
Our Mission: Neighbors teaching neighbors about home and self defense - - and organizing, so that our voices are heard.
Above, a full house when Ronal Serpas spoke at our monthly meeting, on July 5th.
On the left. Ronal Serpas with our founder, Mike Weinberger. On the right, new member Carol McGrath describes how easy and fun it was taking a firearm class.
Col. Rob Maness, pictured above with our founder, Mike Weinberger, spoke at our May meeting. He signed the "Honest Citizen Pledge" and really delighted the crowd.
At our May meeting we honored members who fought for The Right of Self Defense in the State Legislature, such as Calvin Alexander and Lee Ann Rorex. Calvin and Lee Ann are shown below receiving their Citizen Activist Awards from our founder, Mike Weinberger.
As well as Calvin and Lee Ann, we also honored six other members with Citizen Activist Awards. They are (left to right, top row first): Roy Richardson, Ricky Oubre, Ron Sevin, John Black, Allan Boggs and Norman Castillo.
Here is a picture of our Citizen Activists in Baton Rouge. Go to the "Big Victory" page to learn the details of their accomplishment. At our May meeting we presented them with Citizen Activist Awards.
All volunteer.
We never ask for money.
We never ask for money.
Smile ! Our firearm classes teach safety - and are fun.
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Congressman Fleming at our April meeting
Congressman Fleming at our April meeting
Congressman Fleming and our founder, Mike Weinberger, share a light
moment after the Congressman spoke to us at the April HDF meeting.
moment after the Congressman spoke to us at the April HDF meeting.
March meeting a big success.
Graham Bosworth spoke as our members filled Morning Call in City Park. Ron Brisbi and Ron Sevin received Citizen Activist Awards, as did Penny Rabalais and Woody Krog, shown below with our founder, Mike Weinberger.
Great Pic ! HDF visits City Officials Feb 24th
Jim Letten event Feb. 2nd draws big crowd...
Jim with our founder, Mike Weinberger
Ken Polite at Jan. meeting
U.S. Attorney Ken Polite (standing, at far left) gave a great talk and filled the entire room at our January meeting. Above is a picture of part of the crowd, which was standing room only. Below is a pic of our founder, Mike Weinberger, presenting Ken with our "Hero of Home Defense Award."
"Learn to defend yourself and fight back," Senator Guillory urges at Dec. meeting.
State Senator Elbert Guillory urges members to take defensive firearm lessons so they can defend themselves against violent criminals. Mike Weinberger then presented the Senator, who has already won our "Hero of Home Defense Award," with an HDF "Certificate of Lifelong Friendship."
Metro Crime Comm. Pres.
Goyeneche spoke in Nov.
Members listen carefully to Mr. Goyeneche at our November meeting. The pic below shows Rafael with our founder, Mike Weinberger.
State Treasurer Kennedy a
big hit at October's meeting
big hit at October's meeting
Treasurer Kennedy (center) at our October meeting. Jeff Crouere is on the left and Mike Weinberger on the right.
New members ask for FREE defensive firearm classes
One of the new members who signed up for a free defensive firearm class.